Housing Element Update

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On February 13, 2024, the Brentwood City Council adopted the final 6th Cycle Housing Element which received approval from HCD – for meeting all statutory requirements – on January 2, 2024. On April 12, 2024, the City received the certification letter from HCD noting the Housing Element met all statutory requirements. 

Housing Elements must be updated and certified by the California State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) every 8 years. Each 8-year period is referred to as a Planning Cycle. The City of Brentwood is currently updating it’s Housing Element for the 6th Planning Cycle which will encompass 2023-2031.

As part of the mandated Housing Element Update, each jurisdiction in the State of California is allocated a fair-share total number of units to plan for over the 8-year Planning Cycle. The City of Brentwood is not required to build the housing units itself, but it must show the zoning and development standards allow for the permitting and development of the total RHNA allocation. The City of Brentwood was allocated a total of 1,522 total units, including 402 units affordable to very low income households, 232 units affordable to low income households, 247 units affordable to moderate income households, and 641 units affordable to above moderate income households.

The City must show that it has regulatory and land use policies in place to accommodate the total RHNA allocation, and the private market is responsible for developing the housing units. Through the 8-year Planning Cycle, the City will continuously monitor it’s available land and policies to ensure there continues to be opportunity for housing development until the total RHNA has been constructed.

As of February 13, 2024, the 6th Cycle Housing Element has been adopted. All public comments may be found within Appendix C: Community Engagement of the Element.